Category: Knowledge

Five Benefits of History

Imam Abu Ishaak Al-Tha’laby رحمه الله mentions five points in which he discusses the nobility of history and its virtues. He lists five the wisdoms as to why Allah ﷻ revealed stories in the Holy Quran, sent to the Prophet ﷺ as follows:

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Isti’aadhah & Basmalah

Isti’aadha and Basmalah are both things which we read everyday in our Salaah. This article will discuss their meanings followed by some rulings related to Isti’aadha and Basmalah.

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Five Questions of Theological Nature

Maulvi Muhammad Yusaf al-Kanadi I have been asked to address the following five questions which a Muslim high school student living in Preston in Lancashire in the UK has asked. Originally I wrote detailed answers covering some twenty pages; however, realizing that most people’s attention spans are very short nowadays, I prepared another version making […]

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An insight into the method of learning

“Learning from those who have been on the journey before you can save you a lot of hurdles and help you deal with the inevitable, better equipped. We need to realise the importance of learning from those before us.” Seeking knowledge is a highly rewarding venture. It is, however, very easy to become overwhelmed by the […]

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